Rigging - Headwear
Assemble the following elements:
- HEADWEAR_guide file contents
- mask
- Armature
- dummyFace
- dummyHair
- Modeled headwear

👍 The headwear item will be applied to varying hair styles which can greatly differ in volume. It’s important to check the model with various hairstyles in Unity and take care in modeling your headwear item.
Bind the headwear item model to the HEADWEAR_guide armature. Do this by selecting the headwear item model, then the headwear armature, go to the Object menu > Parent > Armature Deform - With Empty Groups.

For some decent initial weights, transfer weights from the dummyFace mesh to the headwear objects. Select the dummyFace mesh, then the headwear object. Switch to weight paint mode. In the Weights menu, find and click the Transfer Weights operation. In the expanded options menu at the bottom left of the viewport, change the Source Layers Selection to “By Name.”

👍 If you transfer weights to the headwear object from a dummyFace object that has weights applied, it can handle face deformation.
Test out and correct the weights applied to the object by moving joints. Correct any weighting errors with the weight paint tools.