World Distribution
Building packages with CLI
You can build a world developed through the ZEPETO World SDK in Unity's Batch Mode and upload it to ZEPETO Studio.
- Support is provided only for ZEPETO Studio accounts created using email login.
- The world version set in the current Unity project will be applied and deployed.
- Please check if ZEPETO Studio allows uploading of new versions.
- Before entering the CLI command, make sure to close the running Unity Editor.
- Please check the path where Unity is installed and the path to the Project.
Please refer to the following guide for basic pre-launch World settings.
📘 Please refer to the following guide. [Releasing your World]
To run in Unity's Batch Mode, enter the following CLI command:
- Below is the CLI using the default Unity installation path as an example. Please change it based on your own installation path.
- When entering the project path and account information, type them without quotes.
- If you only want to build without uploading, exclude the -upload flag from the command.
- Be cautious when using batch files or script files, as account information and passwords could be exposed.
- How to Run Command Prompt : Press the Windows+R keys on the keyboard to open the Run dialog, then type "cmd" in the text input field and click the "OK" button.
- Here's an example of how to input the commands in the Windows Command Prompt:

- How to Run Terminal : Press the shortcut keys Command + Space to open Spotlight Search, then type "Terminal" and press Enter.
- Here's an example of how to input the commands in the MacOS Terminal:

👍 Build > .zepetopackage file is created within the Unity Project folder you worked on.
Updated 10 Oct 2024

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