ZEPETO.Character.Controller - Deprecated Declarations
The following API classes in the ZEPETO.Character.Controller package are deprecated or obsolete:
Declarations to be removed | Deprecated in version | What to use instead | Removed in version | Reason for Deprecation |
public motionV1Data: ZEPETO_Character_Controller_StandardControl_V1.CustomMotionData; | 1.21.5 | No direct replacement | - | The option to choose between MotionController V1 and V2 has been removed and is now deprecated. |
public motionV2Data: ZEPETO_Character_Controller_StandardControl_V2.CustomMotionData; | 1.21.5 | characterData.customMotionData | - | The option to choose between MotionController V1 and V2 has been removed and is now deprecated. |
public static OnZepetoPlayersAwake: System.Action; | - | No direct replacement | 1.21.5 | It was removed for usability and stability reasons. |
public static OnZepetoPlayersDestroy: System.Action; | - | No direct replacement | 1.21.5 | It was removed for usability and stability reasons. |
public static isInitialized: boolean; | - | ZepetoPlayers.onInitialized | 1.21.5 | It was removed for usability and stability reasons. |
public setting: Setting; | - | No direct replacement | 1.21.5 | It was removed for usability and stability reasons. |
public static isHorizontal: boolean; | - | No direct replacement | 1.21.5 | It was removed for usability and stability reasons. |
public static gravity: number; | - | No direct replacement | 1.21.5 | It was removed for usability and stability reasons. |
public CreatePlayer($id: string, $characterInfo: CharacterInfo, $isLocal: boolean, $spawnInfo: SpawnInfo):void; | - | No direct replacement | 1.21.5 | It was removed for usability and stability reasons. |
public CreateCharacter($characterInfo: CharacterInfo, $spawnInfo: SpawnInfo, $complete: System.Action$1):void; | - | No direct replacement | 1.21.5 | It was removed for usability and stability reasons. |
public CreateModel($characterInfo: CharacterInfo, $spawnInfo: SpawnInfo, $complete: System.Action$1<UnityEngine.GameObject>):void; | - | No direct replacement | 1.21.5 | It was removed for usability and stability reasons. |
Declarations to be removed | Deprecated in version | What to use instead | Removed in version | Reason for Deprecation |
public speed: number; | 1.21.5 | No direct replacement | - | It has been deprecated because it is a property of a legacy camera that is no longer in use. |
public sensitivity: number; | 1.21.5 | No direct replacement | - | It has been deprecated because it is a property of a legacy camera that is no longer in use. |
public useEnhancedOption: boolean; | 1.21.5 | No direct replacement | - | The Enhanced Camera has been set as the default camera, so it has been changed to always return true. |
public enhancedOptionData: ZEPETO_Character_Controller_CameraData.EnhancedOptionData; | 1.21.5 | No direct replacement | - | The depth has been changed because the Enhanced Camera has been set as the default camera. |
Declarations to be removed | Deprecated in version | What to use instead | Removed in version | Reason for Deprecation |
public terrainClipDist: number; | 1.21.5 | No direct replacement | - | It has been deprecated because it is a property of a legacy camera that is no longer in use. |
public castRadius: number; | 1.21.5 | No direct replacement | - | It has been deprecated because it is a property of a legacy camera that is no longer in use. |
public zoomCalibration: number; | 1.21.5 | No direct replacement | 1.21.5 | It has been deprecated because it is a property of a legacy camera that is no longer in use. |
public rotateCalibration: number; | 1.21.5 | No direct replacement | 1.21.5 | It has been deprecated because it is a property of a legacy camera that is no longer in use. |
public additionalSpeed: number; | 1.21.5 | No direct replacement | 1.21.5 | It has been deprecated because it is a property of a legacy camera that is no longer in use. |
public additionalSensitivity: number; | 1.21.5 | No direct replacement | 1.21.5 | It has been deprecated because it is a property of a legacy camera that is no longer in use. |
public enhancedOption: ZEPETO_Character_Controller_ZepetoCamera.EnhancedOption; | 1.21.5 | No direct replacement | 1.21.5 | The depth has been changed because the Enhanced Camera has been set as the default camera. |
public get Speed(): number; | 1.21.5 | No direct replacement | 1.21.5 | It has been deprecated because it is a property of a legacy camera that is no longer in use. |
public get Sensitivity(): number; | 1.21.5 | No direct replacement | 1.21.5 | It has been deprecated because it is a property of a legacy camera that is no longer in use. |
public get useEnhancedOption(): boolean; | 1.21.5 | No direct replacement | 1.21.5 | The Enhanced Camera has been set as the default camera, so it has been changed to always return true. |
public SetCameraPosition():void; | 1.21.5 | No direct replacement | 1.21.5 | It has been deprecated because it is a property of a legacy camera that is no longer in use. |
public UpdateFollow($deltaTime: number):void; | - | No direct replacement | 1.21.5 | It was removed for usability and stability reasons. |
public get LoadedRotateVector(): UnityEngine.Vector2; | - | No direct replacement | 1.21.5 | It was removed for usability and stability reasons. |
public get LoadedZoomDistance(): number; | - | No direct replacement | 1.21.5 | It was removed for usability and stability reasons. |
public get viewportMargin(): number; public set viewportMargin(value: number); | - | No direct replacement | 1.21.6 | It was removed for usability and stability reasons. |
Declarations to be removed | Deprecated in version | What to use instead | Removed in version | Reason for Deprecation |
public motionController: StateMachineVersion; | 1.21.5 | No direct replacement | - | The option to choose between MotionController V1 and V2 has been removed and is now deprecated. |
Declarations to be removed | Deprecated in version | What to use instead | Removed in version | Reason for Deprecation |
public OnLoadedCharacter: System.Action; | - | No direct replacement | 1.21.5 | It was removed for usability and stability reasons. |
public get isLoadedCharacter(): boolean; | - | No direct replacement | 1.21.5 | It was removed for usability and stability reasons. |
public get id(): string; | - | No direct replacement | 1.21.5 | It was removed for usability and stability reasons. |
Declarations to be removed | Deprecated in version | What to use instead | Removed in version | Reason for Deprecation |
public static Create($player: ZepetoPlayer, $zepetoCamera: ZepetoCamera, $playerControl: ZepetoPlayerControl, $cameraControl: ZepetoCameraControl):LocalPlayer; | - | No direct replacement | 1.21.5 | It was removed for usability and stability reasons. |
Declarations to be removed | Deprecated in version | What to use instead | Removed in version | Reason for Deprecation |
public get MotionV2(): ZEPETO_Character_Controller_StandardControl_V2.MotionState; | 1.21.5 | motionState | - | The option to choose between MotionController V1 and V2 has been removed and is now deprecated. |
public get StateMachineVersion(): StateMachineVersion; | 1.21.5 | No direct replacement | - | The option to choose between MotionController V1 and V2 has been removed and is now deprecated. |
public static Create($hashCode: string, $metadata: Zepeto.ZepetoMetadata, $data: CharacterData, $spawnPoint: SpawnInfo):ZepetoCharacter; | - | No direct replacement | 1.21.5 | It was removed for usability and stability reasons. |
Declarations to be removed | Deprecated in version | What to use instead | Removed in version | Reason for Deprecation |
public Initialize($character: ZepetoCharacter):void; | - | No direct replacement | 1.21.5 | It was removed for usability and stability reasons. |
Declarations to be removed | Deprecated in version | What to use instead | Removed in version | Reason for Deprecation |
class CharacterInfo | - | No direct replacement | 1.21.5 | The entire CharacterInfo class has had its typing removed |
Declarations to be removed | Deprecated in version | What to use instead | Removed in version | Reason for Deprecation |
class Setting | - | No direct replacement | 1.21.5 | The entire Setting class has had its typing removed |
Declarations to be removed | Deprecated in version | What to use instead | Removed in version | Reason for Deprecation |
enum PlayerControlMode { Default = 0, WalkOnly = 1, RunOnly = 2 } | - | No direct replacement | 1.21.5 | It was removed for usability and stability reasons. |
📘 Please refer to the following guide. [ZEPETO.Character.Controller API]