Development FAQ

I get a 9999 error when uploading .zepetopackage file in Zepeto Studio.


If you get a 9999 error in ZEPETO Studio when uploading the .zepetopackage file generated after building your World, try the following two methods.

Error screen example
Error screen example

Case 1. When required modules are not installed during Unity installation

Go to Unity Hub > Installs > 2022.3.34f1 > Add Modules and check if all the required modules are installed.

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The required modules are the following:

  • Android Build Support
  • iOS Build Support
  • Mac Build Support (Mono) - Install if your PC is running on Windows.
  • Windows Build Support (Mono) - Install if your PC is running on Mac.


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Also, click the login menu next to the 'Publish' button and make sure that 'Target Platforms' is set to 'All'.

Document image

If you have installed all the required modules, press the Publish button to rebuild your World, and try uploading the generated .zepetopackage file again in Zepeto Studio.

For more details, please refer to the guide below:

Case 2. You get a 9999 error even after installing the required modules

If you get a 9999 error even though you have installed all the required modules, try the following method.


Delete the Build folder in the project folder.

Document image


Update the ZEPETO.World package.

(1) Open Window > Package Manager in Unity and select My Registries or In Project in Packages

(2) Select ZEPETO.World from the package list, and then click the Version History tab.

(3) Update to the latest version.

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Press the Publish button to rebuild the project.


When the build is complete, open the project folder > Build > ZEPETO.Script folder to verify that each platform file has been created.

The required platform files are as follows.

  • android
  • ios
  • osx
  • windows

Also, please make sure that each platform file's modified date is the same.

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Upload the generated .zepetopackage file to ZEPETO Studio.