List of Unity Functions Available at ZEPETO World
Below is a list of preview packages and verified packages supported in ZEPETO World. (as of Unity version 2022.3.34f1)
❗️ Caution Packages that are not listed cannot be used for developing ZEPETO World.
Packages | Version | Type |
0.1.22-preview | Preview | | | 3.5.3 | Verified |
com.unity.editorcoroutines | 1.0.0 | Verified |
com.unity.ide.rider | 2.0.7 | Verified |
com.unity.ide.visualstudio | 2.0.7 | Verified |
com.unity.ide.vscode | 1.2.3 | Verified |
com.unity.inputsystem | 1.0.2 | Verified |
com.unity.postprocessing | 3.1.1 | Verified |
com.unity.scriptablebuildpipeline | 1.15.2 | Verified |
com.unity.test-framework | 1.1.24 | Verified |
com.unity.textmeshpro | 3.0.6 | Verified |
com.unity.timeline | 1.5.4 | Verified |
com.unity.xr.arfoundation | 4.1.9 | Verified |
com.unity.xr.arkit | 4.0.12 | Verified |
com.unity.xr.arkit-face-tracking | 4.0.12 | Verified |
4.1.9 | Verified | |
2.1.7 | Verified | | | 4.0.7 | Verified |
1.0.6 | Verified (2019.4) | |
1.1 | Verified (2019.4) |
This is a list of Unity Attributes supported by ZEPETO World. (as of Unity version 2022.3.34f1)
❗️ Caution For unlisted attributes, the feature is not available when developing ZEPETO World.
Attribute | Description |
Avoids displaying Public variables in the Inspector. | |
Avoid displaying Public variables in the Inspector. Even if you modified the value in the Inspector before, the initial value set in the script is applied without retaining the value. | |
Displays the Private, Protected variables in the Inspector. | |
Header | You can set a title above the variables displayed in the Inspector. |
Space | You can create a gap between the variables displayed in the Inspector. |
Tooltip | You can create the tooltip that appears when you hover your mouse cursor over the variable displayed in the Inspector. |
📘 Please refer to the following guide. [Property]