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Item Guidelines

  • All contents uploaded or posted in ZEPETO must meet the ZEPETO Studio guideline requirements.
  • Even for content that is not applicable to the ZEPETO Studio guidelines, any content that ZEPETO Studio deems inappropriate may not be uploaded or posted, and may be terminated even after the content has been used by other users or sales have been processed or completed.
  • ZEPETO Studio guidelines comply with ZEPETO Community guidelines.

Thumbnail Guideline

Item thumbnails let users see a preview of the item before making a purchase.


Please follow the recommendations below outlined below:

  • 300 x 300 px Resolution
  • PNG Image type
    The item's background must be transparent. If the background is not a transparent PNG file, it will not be uploaded.
  • Image size less than 1MB
  • Square 1:1 ratio
  • Thumbnail size 300 x 300 px with as least blank space as possible
  • Editing automatically generated thumbnails: if there are modifications needed in the auto generated thumbnails, please make the edits before submission.


Thumbnails may be rejected during the review process if:

  • Does not meet 300 x 300px thumbnail size
  • Item image is too small in comparison to the overall size
  • Item images that get cut off(excepxion: long boots may get slightly cut on top)
  • Graphics other than items are added
  • Contains other additional elements(ex: light effects etc.)
  • Contains unrelated selling items to the thumbnail images(ex: hats, make-up of avatars, etc.)
  • Item's background is not transparent
  • Deviates a lot from the auto-generated thumbnail style
  • Expresses content unrelated to the item
  • Show not front images(express back or side images of items etc.)

Item Resource Guideline


Any resources related to contents such as item file, polygon, etc. must meet the guidelines as outlined. Examples of resources that may get rejected:

  • Resources that are incomplete(ex: visibility issues, distortion, etc.)
  • Resources that do not output correctly within ZEPETO services due to errors or special reasons
  • Resources that exceed specs standardized by ZEPETO Studio (ex: capacity, number of polygons, number of particles, etc.)
  • If the number of polygons exceed the maximum number set by category, the resource will be rejected.
  • If the Particle System in Unity exceeds the maximum value as outlined below, the resource will be rejected.
  • Number of joints(bone): max 100(rigging required)
  • Texture size: max 1MB within *.zepeto file
  • Number of materials: max 5 within *.zepeto file
  • Other high capacity or excessive use of effects that can hinder a user's experience will be rejected.(ex: Items with lighting effects etc.)
  • File format does not meet the ZEPETO Studio requirements
  • Resources that already exist or are under review within the ZEPETO Service


Please refer to the following guide. [Effect Items]

Item Category

Items must be assigned to the correct category.

Sort items by category(Tris: maximum polygon value)

CategoryTris(maximum polygon value)
Dress : Mini Dress, Long Dress, Casual, Suit10,000
Top : T-shirts, Shirts, Hoodie, Crop Top6,000
Outwear : Short, Medium, Long6,000
Pants : Short, Medium, Long5,000
Skirt : Short, Medium, Long5,000
Socks : Low Cut, Ankle Cut, Knee High, Thigh High, High Waist3,500
Footwear : Shoes, Sneakers, Sandal, Boots4,000
Hair : Short, Medium, Long, Tails, Special10,000
Headwear : Costume Mask, Accessory, Hat4,000
Eyewear : Fashion, Shades, Contacts2,000
Jewelry : Bracelet, Necklace, Earring2,000
ACC : Bags, Glove4,500
ACC : Nail Art1,500
ACC : Accessory Mask3,000
ACC : Wing4,000
Special Bodysuit : Special Mask5,000
Special Bodysuit : Special Bodysuit10,000


If you have any questions about our Studio Guidelines, please contact our support center.