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ZEPETO.Character.Controller - Deprecated Declarations

The following API classes in the ZEPETO.Character.Controller package are deprecated or obsolete:


Declarations to be removedDeprecated in versionWhat to use insteadRemoved in versionReason for Deprecation
public motionV1Data: ZEPETO_Character_Controller_StandardControl_V1.CustomMotionData;1.21.5No direct replacement-The option to choose between MotionController V1 and V2 has been removed and is now deprecated.
public motionV2Data: ZEPETO_Character_Controller_StandardControl_V2.CustomMotionData;1.21.5characterData.customMotionData-The option to choose between MotionController V1 and V2 has been removed and is now deprecated.
public static OnZepetoPlayersAwake: System.Action;-No direct replacement1.21.5It was removed for usability and stability reasons.
public static OnZepetoPlayersDestroy: System.Action;-No direct replacement1.21.5It was removed for usability and stability reasons.
public static isInitialized: boolean;-ZepetoPlayers.onInitialized1.21.5It was removed for usability and stability reasons.
public setting: Setting;-No direct replacement1.21.5It was removed for usability and stability reasons.
public static isHorizontal: boolean;-No direct replacement1.21.5It was removed for usability and stability reasons.
public static gravity: number;-No direct replacement1.21.5It was removed for usability and stability reasons.
public CreatePlayer($id: string, $characterInfo: CharacterInfo, $isLocal: boolean, $spawnInfo: SpawnInfo):void;-No direct replacement1.21.5It was removed for usability and stability reasons.
public CreateCharacter($characterInfo: CharacterInfo, $spawnInfo: SpawnInfo, $complete: System.Action$1):void;-No direct replacement1.21.5It was removed for usability and stability reasons.
public CreateModel($characterInfo: CharacterInfo, $spawnInfo: SpawnInfo, $complete: System.Action$1<UnityEngine.GameObject>):void;-No direct replacement1.21.5It was removed for usability and stability reasons.


Declarations to be removedDeprecated in versionWhat to use insteadRemoved in versionReason for Deprecation
public speed: number;1.21.5No direct replacement-It has been deprecated because it is a property of a legacy camera that is no longer in use.
public sensitivity: number;1.21.5No direct replacement-It has been deprecated because it is a property of a legacy camera that is no longer in use.
public useEnhancedOption: boolean;1.21.5No direct replacement-The Enhanced Camera has been set as the default camera, so it has been changed to always return true.
public enhancedOptionData: ZEPETO_Character_Controller_CameraData.EnhancedOptionData;1.21.5No direct replacement-The depth has been changed because the Enhanced Camera has been set as the default camera.


Declarations to be removedDeprecated in versionWhat to use insteadRemoved in versionReason for Deprecation
public terrainClipDist: number;1.21.5No direct replacement-It has been deprecated because it is a property of a legacy camera that is no longer in use.
public castRadius: number;1.21.5No direct replacement-It has been deprecated because it is a property of a legacy camera that is no longer in use.
public zoomCalibration: number;1.21.5No direct replacement1.21.5It has been deprecated because it is a property of a legacy camera that is no longer in use.
public rotateCalibration: number;1.21.5No direct replacement1.21.5It has been deprecated because it is a property of a legacy camera that is no longer in use.
public additionalSpeed: number;1.21.5No direct replacement1.21.5It has been deprecated because it is a property of a legacy camera that is no longer in use.
public additionalSensitivity: number;1.21.5No direct replacement1.21.5It has been deprecated because it is a property of a legacy camera that is no longer in use.
public enhancedOption: ZEPETO_Character_Controller_ZepetoCamera.EnhancedOption;1.21.5No direct replacement1.21.5The depth has been changed because the Enhanced Camera has been set as the default camera.
public get Speed(): number;1.21.5No direct replacement1.21.5It has been deprecated because it is a property of a legacy camera that is no longer in use.
public get Sensitivity(): number;1.21.5No direct replacement1.21.5It has been deprecated because it is a property of a legacy camera that is no longer in use.
public get useEnhancedOption(): boolean;1.21.5No direct replacement1.21.5The Enhanced Camera has been set as the default camera, so it has been changed to always return true.
public SetCameraPosition():void;1.21.5No direct replacement1.21.5It has been deprecated because it is a property of a legacy camera that is no longer in use.
public UpdateFollow($deltaTime: number):void;-No direct replacement1.21.5It was removed for usability and stability reasons.
public get LoadedRotateVector(): UnityEngine.Vector2;-No direct replacement1.21.5It was removed for usability and stability reasons.
public get LoadedZoomDistance(): number;-No direct replacement1.21.5It was removed for usability and stability reasons.
public get viewportMargin(): number;
public set viewportMargin(value: number);
-No direct replacement1.21.6It was removed for usability and stability reasons.


Declarations to be removedDeprecated in versionWhat to use insteadRemoved in versionReason for Deprecation
public motionController: StateMachineVersion;1.21.5No direct replacement-The option to choose between MotionController V1 and V2 has been removed and is now deprecated.


Declarations to be removedDeprecated in versionWhat to use insteadRemoved in versionReason for Deprecation
public OnLoadedCharacter: System.Action;-No direct replacement1.21.5It was removed for usability and stability reasons.
public get isLoadedCharacter(): boolean;-No direct replacement1.21.5It was removed for usability and stability reasons.
public get id(): string;-No direct replacement1.21.5It was removed for usability and stability reasons.


Declarations to be removedDeprecated in versionWhat to use insteadRemoved in versionReason for Deprecation
public static Create($player: ZepetoPlayer, $zepetoCamera: ZepetoCamera, $playerControl: ZepetoPlayerControl, $cameraControl: ZepetoCameraControl):LocalPlayer;-No direct replacement1.21.5It was removed for usability and stability reasons.


Declarations to be removedDeprecated in versionWhat to use insteadRemoved in versionReason for Deprecation
public get MotionV2(): ZEPETO_Character_Controller_StandardControl_V2.MotionState;1.21.5motionState-The option to choose between MotionController V1 and V2 has been removed and is now deprecated.
public get StateMachineVersion(): StateMachineVersion;1.21.5No direct replacement-The option to choose between MotionController V1 and V2 has been removed and is now deprecated.
public static Create($hashCode: string, $metadata: Zepeto.ZepetoMetadata, $data: CharacterData, $spawnPoint: SpawnInfo):ZepetoCharacter;-No direct replacement1.21.5It was removed for usability and stability reasons.


Declarations to be removedDeprecated in versionWhat to use insteadRemoved in versionReason for Deprecation
public Initialize($character: ZepetoCharacter):void;-No direct replacement1.21.5It was removed for usability and stability reasons.


Declarations to be removedDeprecated in versionWhat to use insteadRemoved in versionReason for Deprecation
class CharacterInfo-No direct replacement1.21.5The entire CharacterInfo class has had its typing removed


Declarations to be removedDeprecated in versionWhat to use insteadRemoved in versionReason for Deprecation
class Setting-No direct replacement1.21.5The entire Setting class has had its typing removed


Declarations to be removedDeprecated in versionWhat to use insteadRemoved in versionReason for Deprecation
enum PlayerControlMode { Default = 0, WalkOnly = 1, RunOnly = 2 }-No direct replacement1.21.5It was removed for usability and stability reasons.


Please refer to the following guide. [ZEPETO.Character.Controller API]