In Trends, you can see trend indicators for content created by creators.
Data is aggregated from January 2024, and you can see trends for the last 7 days or the last 3 months.
Clicking on the thumbnail of an item or world, or the creator's name, will send a notification to your ZEPETO app. Check the notification to try on the item, play the world, or follow the creator.
Trend > Item
You can view trend indicators of creator items.
Hot Items
It shows the ranking of the most popular creator items in the ZEPETO app during the viewed time period. The rankings, denoted as Rise, Spike, New, and Fall, indicate changes compared to the previous period.
- Spike: The ranking has surged by more than 20 positions compared to last week.
- New: Items that were absent from last week's ranking are now featured in the current ranking.
The aggregation criteria is different from the top items in ZEPETO app, and the rankings may look different.
Click More to see up to 20 items.
- Sales: Items that were consistently popular during the viewing period.
- Trends: Items that spiked in popularity during the viewing period.
Check out popular creator items by country and category from the viewing period!
Hot Categories
You can see which categories were the most sold or created on ZEPETO by country during the time period you viewed.
- Sales: Top-selling categories on ZEPETO.
- Created: Top-created categories by creators in Studio.
Wishlist Trends
You can see the trends of the items that have been most wished for in the ZEPETO app during the viewed period by country and category.
Check out the Wishlist trend and create items that ZEPETO users want to wear!
Trending Tags
You can see the most searched and/or created tags on ZEPETO by country during the time period you viewed. Once you select a tag that's trending, you'll receive a notification in the ZEPETO app, where you can see search results for the selected tag in the ZEPETO Shop.
- Searches: Most searched tags on ZEPETO.
- Created: Most used tags by creators in Studio.
Check out the keywords that ZEPETO users often search for and tag your items accordingly!
The aggregation criteria is different from the top searches in ZEPETO app, and the rankings may look different.
Hot Item Creators
You can see which item creators stood out during the time period you viewed.
- Popular: Popular creators
- Rookie: Newly signed up creators
- Trending: Rising creators
Trend > World
You can view trend indicators of Creator World (excluding Build It)
Most Visited and Stayed Worlds
- Most Visited Worlds: Creator Worlds most visited during the viewing period.
- Most Stayed Worlds: Creator Worlds with the longest dwell time during the viewing period.
The aggregation criteria is different from the top worlds in ZEPETO app, and the rankings may look different.
Click More to see up to 20 worlds.
Check out the popular creator worlds by country during your viewing period!
Hot Categories
You can see the most visited and/or created categories on ZEPETO by country during the time period you viewed.
- Sales: Categories most visited by users on ZEPETO.
- Created: Categories most created by creators in Studio.
Trending Tags
You can see the most searched or created tags on ZEPETO by country during the time period you viewed.
- Searches: Tag most searched on ZEPETO.
- Created: Tags most entered by creators in Studio.
Hot World Creators
You can see which world creators stood out during the time period you viewed.
- Popular: Popular creators
- Rookie: Newly signed up creators
- Trending: Rising creators
Trend > Live
You can view trend indicators of live creators.
Most Gifted Lives
You can see which live creators received a lot of gifts on ZEPETO by country during the time period you viewed.
The aggregation criteria is different from the live gift ranking in ZEPETO app, and the rankings may look different.
Most Viewed Lives
You can see which live creators had the most viewers on ZEPETO by country during the time period you viewed.
The aggregation criteria is different from the live viewership ranking in ZEPETO app, and the rankings may look different.
Hot Live Creators
You can see which live creators stood out during the time period you viewed.
- Popular: Popular creators
- Rookie: Newly signed up creators
- Trending: Rising creators
Updated 7 months ago